7 Tips to Maintain Your Hoverboard in Good Condition

It's no secret that hoverboards are all the rage right now. Everyone from celebrities to your next-door neighbor seems to be riding them. But what many people don't know is how to properly maintain their hoverboard. In this blog post, we will discuss 7 tips for keeping your hoverboard in good condition!
7 Tips to Maintain Your Hoverboard in Good Condition

7 Tips to Keep Your Hoverboard

With the recent popularity of hoverboards, it's important to know how to properly maintain your investment. Here are our tips:

Keep it clean

It is important to keep your hoverboard clean, both for aesthetic reasons and for safety. Over time the hoverboard including the sensors may get dirty and cause problems like losing its balance. Also, debris on wheels can easily cause you to lose control. So its advised to regularly use a soft cloth or brush to gently remove any dirt or debris from the board, sensors and the wheels, especially after you ride on certain wet or icy surfaces. Be sure to wipe your board down to avoid damaging the wires and sensors.

Check the battery regularly

The second tip is to regularly check the battery. Most hoverboards have a lithium-ion battery, which means that it needs to be charged frequently and can overheat if not properly taken care of. Be sure to read the instructions that came with your hoverboard so that you know how often to charge it.

Inflate the wheels regularly

This will help to keep your hoverboard rolling smoothly and prevent flat spots from forming. Use a pump or an air compressor to inflate the wheels to the correct pressure - usually around 30-35 PSI.

Lubricate the bearings

Another important maintenance tip is to lubricate the bearings on your hoverboard. This will help to keep them running smoothly and prevent them from getting too hot. You can use a variety of different lubricants, but we recommend WD-40.

Test the brakes

Most hoverboards have two brakes, one on each wheel. Be sure to test the brakes regularly to make sure that they are working properly. To do this, simply ride the hoverboard at a slow speed and then apply the brakes. The hoverboard should come to a stop within a few feet. If it doesn't, then you may need to replace the brake pads.

7 Tips to Maintain Your Hoverboard in Good Condition

Avoid water

While some hoverboards are designed to be used in wet conditions, most are not. Water can damage the sensors and electrical components of your board, so it's best to avoid riding in puddles or rain. If you do get your hoverboard wet, be sure to dry it off as soon as possible. And when you're not using your hoverboard, be sure to store it in a cool, dry place. Exposure to extreme temperatures can damage the battery and other parts of the hoverboard.

Allow it to rest

Like any new toy, it's easy to get carried away when you first start using a hoverboard. But it's important to remember that these boards can reach high speeds and can be dangerous if not used properly. Be sure to have them get a rest after a long-distance cruising and allow their battery to cool down prior to plugging in the charger or using it again.

Happy riding

By following these tips, you can be sure that your hoverboard will stay in good condition for years to come. We hope this blog post can help you to maintain your hoverboard for a long period. So get out there and start riding! Just be sure to stay safe and have fun. Thanks for reading!