Best Places to Install Solar Panels in Complexes

Fully committing to solar panels is one thing, but deciding on the place where to install them is another factor you have to determine. The area of installation is vital because it is the section of the establishment where it is supposed to harness the solar energy from the sun. The place where it is mounted should be highly optimized and it is in direct contact with sunlight. From such information, you might already have some ideas on where to install them. In this article, I will share with you some of the best locations in your business establishment to put it up and where it is fully optimized to receive as much solar energy as possible.


Best Places to Install Solar Panels in Complexes



For business establishments, the best-optimized location where you can install solar panels is the rooftop. This is because the top section of the building is where it is direct exposure to sunlight. It won't be a problem if the rooftop is level, but another factor to take into consideration here is they are parallel instead. It is also the same case if you are installing them as a solar carport in the establishments' parking lot.


So a relevant question to ask is where photovoltaic panels are facing. The best position experts suggest that it is to be placed on the northeast section of the roof where the sun rises. You will greatly optimize the sunrays at this time of day and as it reaches noon, it hits the peak of the day where the sun emits high-level UV rays. As a result, it allows the battery pack to store more energy than at any time of the day.


Hanging from the Balcony


Hanging the PV panels on the balcony is ideal especially if the premises are a shared commercial complex. Options where to hang them are not really available if the apartment only has a balcony or porch. But in cases where there are two or several balconies, it is suggested that you hang them on the east side of the apartment as it is where the solar panels can harness more solar energy. In addition, hanging them from the balcony saves you a lot of space especially if the balcony or porch has a tiny floor plan to begin with.


On the Balcony


If you have an ample amount of space to work with on your office's balcony or porch, then you can place them as is instead of hanging them. And the great aspect of this setup is that it gives you mobility when it comes to regular maintenance or you need to troubleshoot the solar panels when issues occur. Furthermore, a pro of setting it up on the balcony is its mobility as you can move it from one to another where the sun is currently facing.


Hanging on the Window


The only option available to you is outside the window if a balcony is not present or it is not possible for you to mount them on top of the rooftop. If there are several windows in the vicinity, it is best to hang them on the east or west side whichever you prefer. It doesn't matter if it is on the west or east end because it won't be facing the sun in the high noon. But if there is a scheduled power outage during the day, then it is suggested that you place them on the east window as it is where the sun rises. It fills the battery pack as much as possible to help your business operation get through the day.


Best Places to Install Solar Panels in Complexes



You can put up the solar panels and set up the power pack in areas of the vicinity where you are most comfortable. And some of the recommended sections you can place them on include the rooftop, on the balcony, hanging on the balcony, or on the balcony. But the best place of installation where it can harness the most solar energy is the rooftop. Furthermore, if the rooftop is not possible, you can choose between the other options as long as it is facing the east end of the establishment.